Chinese Premier Li Qiang, who is visiting Australia, met with Australian Prime Minister Albanese on Monday (June 17, 2024). It is reported that Li Qiang announced that Australia would be unilaterally included in the visa-free countries.

According to Reuters, Albanese said in his speech: "We welcome the continued stability and development of bilateral relations. This dialogue has given us a deeper understanding of our respective interests." He said that Australia and China have complementary economies and common interests in addressing climate change.

After meeting with Albanese, Li Qiang told reporters that the two sides held "frank, in-depth and fruitful meetings and reached a lot of consensus."

According to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Chinese website, Li Qiang announced that Australia would be unilaterally included in the visa-free countries. Australian passport holders can enter China without a visa for 15 days. The two countries also jointly announced that they would issue multiple-entry visas for three to five years to each other for business, tourism and family visits.