A water flooding accident occurred in a coal mine in Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, China in the early morning of July 7, 2024, resulting in three people being trapped and killed.

According to CCTV News, the flooding accident occurred at the 1207 gas control tunnel excavation face of Lijialou Coal Mine of Dongshan Coal Industry in Taiyuan. After the accident, the local party committee and government organized rescue forces to drain water and rescue. It is reported that the rescue operation has been completed and all three trapped miners have been found, but none of them have vital signs.

A flooding accident refers to an accident in which a large amount of water gushes and floods the shaft when the mining face communicates with the surface water or groundwater of the mine. Previously, a flooding accident also occurred at Shandong Energy Huafeng Coal Mine on June 1, resulting in eight people being trapped.