According to CCTV News, at 10:12 am on May 8, 2024, under the control of the Beijing Aerospace Flight Control Center, the Chang'e-6 probe successfully implemented near-month braking and entered a lunar orbit.

According to reports, the recent braking is a key orbital control of the Chang'e-6 probe during its flight. When the Chang'e-6 probe flew near the moon, it implemented a "brake" to make its relative speed lower than the moon's escape velocity, so it was captured by the moon's gravity and flew around the moon.

Next, with the support of the Queqiao-2 relay star, the Chang'e-6 probe will adjust the altitude and inclination of its orbit around the moon, and choose the opportunity to separate the orbiter returner assembly and the lander-ascender assembly. Afterwards, the lander-ascender assembly carried out a soft landing in the South Pole-Aitken Basin on the far side of the moon, and carried out the sample return mission on the far side of the moon as planned.