The armies of China and Mongolia organized battalion-level joint training and conducted the first full-element, full-process live-fire joint training.

According to news released by China's "Ministry of Defense" on May 18, 2024, the China-Mongolia "Grassland Partner-2024" joint army training was the first full-element, full-process real-arms and live-fire training. On the 17th local time, a training session was held in East Gobi Province, Mongolia. Held on site.

The Chinese Ministry of National Defense stated that the participating troops from China and Mongolia jointly carried out joint training on the topic of dealing with the activities of illegal armed groups in accordance with the basic tactics of "attacking key points in all depths, concentric assaults from multiple directions, and clearing, encircling and annihilating in different areas". In an environment that is close to actual combat, temper and improve collaborative combat capabilities.

After the joint training, the participating commanders from both sides conducted an operational review in the joint operations command post, analyzed and summarized existing problems, and refined and improved joint planning and tactical research. Next, the participating troops from China and Mongolia will conduct formal actual military exercises.

The China Central Television News client previously reported that the joint training between the Chinese and Mongolian armies was held on May 12 in East Gobi Province in southeastern Mongolia. The opening ceremony officially kicked off the joint training between the two armies.

Both China and Mongolia stated that this year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Mongolia, and is also the 10th anniversary of the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Mongolia. Against this background, the armies of the two countries have organized battalion-level joint training for the first time, which will further deepen the strategic mutual trust and cooperation between the two armies. Practical cooperation will inject positive energy into regional peace and stability.

The joint training will last until late May. The Chinese troops participating in the training were mainly selected from a brigade of the 79th Group Army of the Army, covering multiple elements such as wheeled armored assault, fire strikes, combat support, and rear equipment support.