In response to the U.S. announcement of new tariffs on certain Chinese industries, China's Ministry of Commerce responded by saying that it firmly opposes and will take resolute measures to defend its rights and interests.

In response to the U.S. announcement of new tariffs on certain Chinese industries, China's Ministry of Commerce responded by saying that it firmly opposes and will take resolute measures to defend its rights and interests.

According to Agence France-Presse, the United States announced a new tariff policy against China on Tuesday (May 14, 2024), increasing tariffs on $18 billion worth of imported goods from China, mainly targeting strategies such as electric vehicles, batteries, steel, and critical minerals. industry.

In response to this, the website of the Ministry of Commerce of China published a message on the same day saying that China firmly opposes and will make solemn representations.

The Chinese Ministry of Commerce said that out of domestic political considerations, the United States abused the Section 301 tariff review process, further increased the Section 301 tariffs imposed on some Chinese products, and politicized and instrumentalized economic and trade issues. This is a typical political manipulation, China said. Strongly dissatisfied.

China's Ministry of Commerce also said that the United States' increase in Section 301 tariffs violated President Biden's commitment to "not seek to suppress China's development" and "not seek to decouple and break links with China." It is also not in line with the spirit of the consensus reached by the two heads of state, and will seriously affect the bilateral relations. Collaborative atmosphere.

China's Ministry of Commerce demanded that the United States immediately correct its wrongdoings and cancel the additional tariffs imposed on China. It also said that China would take resolute measures to defend its rights and interests.