
According to news reports, on Saturday (June 29, 2024), China's first domestically-made large cruise ship "Aida·Modu" departed from Shanghai to Jeju, South Korea. When the staff checked the surveillance video on the ship, they found that a male passenger fell into the sea after climbing over the railing.

At the time of the incident, the cruise ship was located at 32 degrees 17.7 minutes north latitude and 124 degrees 58.7 minutes east longitude, about 90 nautical miles from Jeju Island, South Korea.

After the incident, Aida·Modu urgently turned its course to the sea area where the passengers fell into the sea, and immediately launched a search and rescue operation. The search and rescue work also received guidance from the Chinese maritime department, as well as assistance from the Shanghai Maritime Search and Rescue Center, the Korean Coast Guard and a ship in the area.

At about 11 o'clock that night, Aida·Modu evacuated from the search and rescue area and resumed the established route. The search and rescue work of relevant rescue organizations is still ongoing.

This incident resulted in the cancellation of the "Aida Modou"'s planned stop at Jeju Port in South Korea on Saturday. The cruise line will refund each passenger HK$200 in Jeju port fees in the form of consumption money, and provide each passenger with an additional HK$400 in onboard consumption money.