A man from mainland China appeared in the waters of Linkou, Taiwan on Saturday (September 14, 2024) in a rubber boat, claiming that he went to Taiwan to avoid debt.

According to Taiwan's Liberty Times, a man surnamed Wang was found driving a rubber boat to the shore at the mouth of Houkeng Creek in Taipingli, Linkou District, New Taipei City on Saturday morning. Taiwan firefighters and coast guard personnel arrived at the scene and found that the rubber boat was 100 meters away from the shore. They then helped Wang to the shore and found that he was severely dehydrated. He was immediately sent to the hospital for humanitarian rescue.

It was revealed that the man surnamed Wang claimed that he paddled a rubber speedboat from Niupitang, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province to Taiwan. He initially stated that the reason for coming to Taiwan was because he was in debt in the mainland and wanted to start a new life in Taiwan. The exact reason has yet to be further clarified by the Taiwan Coast Guard and the prosecution.