A large number of dead fish have appeared in Hongcheng Lake in Haikou City, Hainan Province, China. At least eight tons of dead fish floating on the lake have been recovered. Experts say that changes in the ecological environment have caused large fish deaths.

According to local news media in Haikou, on the afternoon of May 12, 2024, reporters went to the scene and saw that the dead fish on the main lake had been basically cleaned up, but there were still a small number of dead fish emerging from the bottom of the lake.

The water source of Hongcheng Lake is the Nandu River water. The water quality has high salt content and is brackish water. The fish in the lake are adapted to the salinity of the Nandu River water.

As for the reason for the large number of dead fish, Zhou Jin, director of the Water Conservancy Bureau of Qiongshan District, Haikou City, said that the recent heavy rainfall has flowed into the lake, reducing the salt content of the water and changing the living environment of the fish. The current deaths are basically in the coastal area. Brackish water fish, while tilapia, the main fish species in Hongcheng Lake, basically did not die.

"Changes in the water environment such as salinity, high temperatures, and a certain degree of hypoxia, it is a combination of these factors that lead to fish death." Zhou Jin, director of the Qiongshan District Water Affairs Bureau of Haikou City, said that arrangements have been made for Hongcheng Lake to further replenish water from the Nandu River. In order to strive to restore the water environment with original salinity as soon as possible.

Hongcheng Lake has experienced numerous fish kills in recent years. In order to prevent and prevent similar incidents from happening again, the water affairs bureau in the jurisdiction will consider adding fences at the water intake point to prevent blue-scaled fish and other seawater from entering the lake.