Category: Tech

According to the China Railway Construction News, at the 9th General Assembly of the International Organization for Standardization ISO/TC269/SC3 held in Stockholm, Sweden, experts from 13 countries including France, Germany, and Japan and UIC observers voted unanimously and approved the project proposal of the special working group "Guidelines for Operating Rules for the Application of Autonomous Driving Mode" led by Feng Mei, a technical expert from China Railway Construction Fourth Engineering Bureau, and decided to establish a working group. Feng Mei will serve as the convener of the working group and the leader of the project team, leading the standard compilation work.

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The reporter learned from the First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University that the team of Professor Sun Beicheng of the hospital and the team of Professor Wei Hongjiang of Yunnan Agricultural University successfully completed the world's first living human xenograft liver transplantation. This marks a major breakthrough for Chinese scientists in related medical fields.

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