China-Europe freight train

According to China State Railway Group Co., Ltd., at 8:40 on May 25, 2024, as the X8157 China-Europe freight train (Xi'an-Malasevich) departed from Xi'an International Port Station, the total number of China-Europe freight trains has operated so far It has exceeded 90,000 trains, shipped more than 8.7 million TEUs of goods with a value of more than 380 billion US dollars, and maintained safe, stable and smooth operation.

It is reported that this China-Europe train is equipped with LCD monitors, auto parts, clothing, shoes and hats, daily necessities, etc. It is expected to arrive in Malaszewicz, Poland in about 15 days.

90,000 trains are a new node in the development of China-Europe freight trains. According to the person in charge of the freight department of the China Railway Group, the scale of China-Europe freight trains has continued to expand since 2013. Especially after the unification of the brand in 2016, China-Europe freight trains have ushered in a new stage of standardized operation and rapid development. Up to now, China-Europe trains have reached 223 cities in 25 European countries and more than 100 cities in 11 Asian countries. The service network basically covers the entire territory of Europe and Asia.