FedEx has recently opened a new international freight route to the United States from Qingdao, Shandong Province, China, and will establish an international port operations center there.

According to FedEx (China) Co., Ltd., this is the first time that FedEx has opened an international cargo route in Qingdao. In the initial stage of opening, the route will operate one flight per week. The route takes off from Qingdao, stops in Osaka, Japan, and goes to FedEx's main transit hub city in the United States. The transportation time for packages and heavy goods exported to North America by customers in Shandong is expected to be shortened by one day compared with the past.

According to the FedEx official website, FedEx has also opened a new international cargo route to the United States in Xiamen, and has also established an international port operation center there.

Xu Baoyan, vice president of operations for FedEx China, said that the opening of the new international cargo route is a natural move for FedEx to actively respond to China's foreign trade growth needs and deepen cooperation with the local market. Xu Baoyan said: "The new route can effectively enhance the capacity connection between China's major second- and third-tier cities and the Asia-Pacific and North American markets, and help local companies better connect to the global market."