Guangxi, China, is experiencing heavy rain. The one-hour rainfall in one town broke the historical record of Guangxi's hourly rainfall.

According to the news released on the Guangxi Meteorological Weibo on Sunday (May 19) morning, from Saturday (May 18) to Sunday morning, there will be heavy rains and local heavy rains in Guangxi North Guangxi, Guizhong and coastal areas, Qinzhou, Fangchenggang, Nanning City There were extremely heavy rains. The cumulative rainfall in Longmenggang Town, Qinnan District, Qinzhou City in 24 hours was 610.5 millimeters, breaking the historical record of Qinzhou City. The one-hour rainfall recorded in the town at 3 a.m. on Sunday was 189.6 millimeters, breaking the historical record of hourly rainfall in Guangxi.

Guangxi Meteorology predicts that there will still be heavy rains in eastern Guangxi and coastal areas on Sunday.

According to the "Guangxi Daily" report, due to the impact of rainfall, three rivers in the Xingning Sitang Hydrological Station, the Xiyunjiang Wutang Hydrological Station, and the Qinglongjiang Lenzhong Hydrological Station in the Sitang River tributary of Guangxi's Yujiang River have exceeded the alarm level of 0.19. to a flood of 1.59 meters.

According to reports, the Guangxi Autonomous Region Hydrological Center launched the Guangxi Hydrological Forecast Level IV emergency response at 5 pm last Friday (May 17). Relevant hydrological departments in Nanning, Baise, Fangchenggang and other cities have issued blue flood warnings in advance, reminding relevant units and the public in relevant areas to pay close attention to changes in rain conditions, strengthen prevention, and avoid danger in time.

According to Xinhua News Agency, the Meteorological Department predicts that from May 18 to 21, there will be a heavy rainfall process from the eastern part of Southwest China to South China. There will be heavy rains in some areas along the eastern and southern coasts of Guangxi, central and western Guangdong, and southern coasts. Extremely heavy rain, accompanied by short-term heavy rainfall, and strong convective weather such as thunderstorms, strong winds or hail in local areas.