Xinjiang's Duku Highway, known as "China's most beautiful highway", will resume operation from June 1, 2024. This is the earliest opening of this highway in the past five years.

The Duku Highway starts from the oil town of Dushanzi in Xinjiang in the north to Kuqa, the ancient Silk Road town in the south, running through the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang. This highway passes through various landforms such as canyons, glaciers, lakes, grasslands, forests, and Gobi. Its magnificent and magnificent landscape has attracted more and more tourists in recent years.

Affected by various factors such as high altitude, weather, and terrain in mountainous areas, after October every year, as snowfall in mountainous areas increases, snow and ice will appear on the Duku Highway, making it impassable for vehicles, and the highway will be temporarily closed until June of the following year. It resumes operation around the middle of September and is generally only open for three to four months throughout the year.