U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken recently sent a message to wish the Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama a happy birthday. In response, the Chinese Foreign Ministry urged the U.S. to recognize the sensitivity of Tibet-related issues and respect China's core interests.

On July 6, 2024, Blinken issued a statement on the official website of the U.S. State Department to congratulate the Dalai Lama on his 89th birthday. In his statement, Blinken said that the Dalai Lama has inspired communities in Tibet and around the world by promoting non-violence and compassion and working to promote global human rights. Blinken said that the United States reaffirms its commitment to supporting Tibetans in preserving their unique language, culture and religious heritage, including the freedom to choose their revered religious leaders without interference.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian said at a regular press conference on July 8, 2024 that the Chinese government's policies and positions on Tibet-related issues are consistent and clear. Tibetan affairs are China's internal affairs and no external forces are allowed to interfere. Lin Jian pointed out that it is well known that the 14th Dalai Lama is not a simple religious figure, but a political exile who engages in anti-China separatist activities under the guise of religion.