China's largest general-purpose precision survey telescope will be located in Lenghu Town, Mangya City, Haixi Prefecture, Qinghai Province.

According to China News Network, the Purple Mountain Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Haixi Mongol and Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture government of Qinghai Province signed a cooperation agreement on the "4.2-meter ground-based dedicated astrometric telescope" project on Sunday (May 26). This marks that China's largest general-purpose precision measurement telescope has settled in Lenghu Town, Mangya City, Haixi Prefecture, Qinghai Province.

Lenghu Astronomical Observation Base is located in the Seshteng Mountain area of Lenghu Town, Mangya City, Haixi Prefecture, with an average altitude of about 4,000 meters. The Chinese and foreign astronomical circles believe that Qinghai Lenghu Seshteng Mountain has unique advantages in carrying out astronomical observation research in terms of geographical location, climate, air cleanliness and altitude, and can meet the scientific research needs of optical/infrared large astronomical equipment.